Even though I just released version 1.0, there were some problems that needed my immediate attention. I've made some necessary changes and fixed a bug or two, which I will summarize below.
- Since Paramount is really cracking down on anything that contains even a hint of Star Trek material or ideas, I decided to change a couple of sounds that were suspicious. Also, the term "phaser" is copyrighted by Paramount, so I changed the name of the beam weapon to laser cannon.
- There was a bug with the alert box that asks the user if it is okay to switch the monitor to 256 colors. This has been corrected.
- The screen fade-out routines had problems on some machines. I was using a set of routines obtained from the sumex archives, so I just removed them from version 1.1. It's not as pretty, I suppose, but I'll contact the author about it.
- Version 1.0 will apparently crash if tried to run on a system with multiple monitors, with the possible exception of Powerbooks. Although version 1.1 still cannot run on a secondary color monitor, it should be able to run if the main screen is at least 13" and can support 8-bit color, even with a second monitor attached. If the main screen cannot support this, but a secondary monitor can, it will put up a dialog alerting you to this. It's a temporary fix while I work on the problem.
- The documents have been modified so that they will print properly, such that the graphics will not overlap the text.
- Many people have reported crashes while running System 7.1. The solution appears to be version 2.0.1 or later of Apple's Hardware System Update extension, which I am now including with the game, with Apple's permission. I have also included the ReadMe file that comes with System Update 2.0.1 (of which HSU is one part) and some brief info of my own.
Version 1.1 is a minor update, and will be sent to all of those who register(ed) version 1.0. This update should completely replace version 1.0.